
I want to reflect on balance during this season.  The holidays can be a crazy time, good and bad, and the pandemic takes it up to a whole other level!  There’s holiday shopping and family stress and decorating and personal expectations and social expectations and keeping up with the Jones’s and the eating, drinking and being merry.  It all seems like so much and so excessive in a small window.  And for what?  Why do we put all this pressure on this one time of year?  Why do we put this pressure on ourselves?  What’s the point?  I know the point for me is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, in my religion (Jesus is the reason for the season!)  But, what is the reason for the overindulging in food and drink, the overspending, the stress of getting holiday decorations up (and down) and cramming it all? And what does it do for anyone?  Maybe it’s just me that feels the stress of the season, but is there a different way?

We are also in a stressful time during this pandemic.  We just want some routine, continuity, something to rely on.  And as we continue into winter, the numbers are rising, and panic sets in.  How do we stay safe?  How do we stay sane and mentally healthy?  How do we stay connected to family?  Community?  Ourselves?  That is the biggest gift I think we can give ourselves this season; comfort and peace.  The other day, I was feeling overwhelmed with life and responsibilities.  I took a pause to write and reflect.  I wrote down what I had accomplished that day and how it compared to my personal mission statement.  I have realized that a good day for me, a balanced day, a life lived on purpose includes, living with physical, spiritual, and emotional connection.  So as I reflected on my day, I realized that although I had been productive, I had missed movement and spiritual connection in my day.  So… after dinner, I went for a walk and connected with some friends on video chat I hadn’t spoken to in forever!  It rounded out my day, helped me to feel balanced, and that brings a sense of contentedness, joy, and peace into my heart and that’s where I strive to live daily.

So what do you need in a day to live in balance?  Are your basic physical needs met (food, shelter, etc.?)  Once those are met, what else do you need to feel balanced and whole?  Connected and content?  Do you need community? (most do.)  Do you need purpose?  (I think so.)  Do you need time to recharge and reset?  (hell yes!)  I encourage each one of us to find what it is that makes a day complete for us.  Then ask yourself daily, did I meet those needs?  What am I missing and can I get it in before day’s end?

There are no guarantees in life and we are in a crazy, precarious time.  My hope is that we do not live in fear but in awareness and presence.  That we may enjoy what we can of each day and share that joy with others so they may feel our love and connection.  Find your balance.  Then share it with others.

Laura RonayComment