
The breath and breathing are essential to our everyday life and in the midst of a pandemic that is impacting our respiratory systems (and beyond,) it feels even more important to focus on the breath right now.  As I’ve reflected on the breath and breathing, it has made me realize how it impacts all aspects of our lives; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  And all of these pieces of us are intertwined.  When we are able to focus on our breath, it can slow our heart rate down and decrease our stress response (physical outcomes.)  When we can slow our breath down and our stress responses stabilize, it helps us to regulate our feelings.  Turning our attention to our breath helps us to relax our body and organize our brains, which can help our ability to concentrate and structure our thoughts more easily.  And if we center our thoughts on our breath, it can help us to connect to our present and that which is greater than us (our spirituality.) I’ve recently come to connect each focused breath as a prayer or meditation; an opportunity to bring myself back to my purpose and what it is I value.

A friend recently noted that when she is stressed, as she exhales, she releases what is bothering her and she ‘wishes it well.’  What does your breath do for you?  In what other ways can focusing on your breath, everyday, help to lead you to where you want to go?  Can your breath settle your anxiety or fears and calm your nervous system?  Can focused breathing organize your mind and direct your actions to clearer steps and goals?  What can your breath do for you; in this moment and throughout your day?  Stop and smell the roses. Breathe. Pause.  Breathe.

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