Developmental Shift

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted. In the past seven months, I’ve left my job of eight years, graduated a child and sent them off to college, moved homes in different states and on and on and on…  That is not so that you have pity or are impressed.  It is to say I have had some major life changes in a short amount of time.  And with that, a variety of feelings have been felt in these past months, one of them being guilt about not being able to keep all the proverbial balls in the air.  But as I ‘should’ all over myself (I should do more for my kids, I should exercise more, I should be more consistent on blog entries…) I came to the realization that I, and all of us in my opinion, are toddlers.  When a toddler is learning a new developmental skill, other areas of growth take a back seat.  When a toddler is learning to walk, language development can regress.  Or when language is flourishing, a child’s motors skills may falter.  All of these shifts can mean big change, some stress and a great need for naps!  So as I toddle my way out of this larger than usual growth and transition period, I return to writing and sharing it.  Does it mean that I won’t regress or misstep?  Heck no!  You can count on me blundering, but as I come out of this time of transition (slowly,) I return more and more into a balanced growth mindset.  For the moment, changes and stretch opportunities are manageable.  And comparing myself to a (large) toddler gives me permission/freedom to throw tantrums when needed, blow bubbles and take naps.  Grow on everyone!

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